Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Yesterday in class we were given a new task: to build a cannon out of five pop cans and a ball made out of two Styrofoam cups held together with duct tape, and hope for it to go the furthest it can. We will be using ethanol as the liquid inside, and will light it up with a match. The objective of this assignment is to make the ball shoot the furthest, or at the least leave the cannon, and the creativity of the design. This will be done in groups of four, preferably your roller coaster group, but if not, then a group of your own. We will have the whole period on Thursday to build our design, and we will be shooting our cannons on Monday. Remember, you only get ONE try, so use it wisely!
With a little research online, you can find a clever and efficient way to build a cannon that will meet the requirements of the assignment, it is fairly simple to make in an hour, and can shoot the furthest. If you are able to cover all three of these areas, you will receive a satisfying mark.
In order to make a successful cannon, the launcher itself needs to be long so that the ball can travel inside it. Yo then need to connect the pop cans with duct tape, so that nothing leeks, and make a base, with your creativity.
Here is a link I found that shows how to make a cannon with five pop cans. In this video, they do not have a base, but it is easy to make one. However, the trick is to get the angle correct as to increase the flying distance of the ball!
Check it out!!!!!


Here is a video I found that shows how to make a potato cannon. It seems pretty intense and I enjoyed watching it, so if your interested, take a look. =)



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